Radhika Katkuri – Volunteer of the Month for June 2022

Radhika Katkuri started volunteering at Immigrant Services Calgary (ISC) in 2018. She participated in multiple areas of the organization, including the Calgary Language Assessment and Referral Center (CLARC), tax clinics, and client care. She invested much time and effort into her contributions, completing over 325 volunteer hours! Her most recent duties included greeting clients, answering incoming calls, and helping coordinate tax appointments, all of which have been instrumental in providing excellent service to clients. We are truly grateful for all her hard work and commend her on the positive difference she has made in the lives of newcomers! This is her story:

“Volunteering provides an opportunity to connect with new people, gain new skills and knowledge, give back to the community, and make a difference.

I have gained confidence and learned more about the Canadian work culture. Volunteering enables you to build social and professional skills that boost your self-esteem. My volunteer experience helped me to find a job as a receptionist.

Volunteering at ISC is a remarkable and enriching experience. It was an honour to help immigrants and refugees. I enjoyed interacting with people from different cultural backgrounds and providing them with the information they needed. It was a great way to enrich my life by doing something inherently good.”

“Radhika is an extraordinary volunteer. She has made a huge impact at Immigrant Services Calgary due to the time and energy she has put into helping newcomer families build their life in Canada!”

Abdallah Abushammala

Gateway Client Care Coordinator

Congratulations, Radhika!