Mavjuda Izatshoeva – Volunteer of the Month for October 2023

One of Mavjuda Izatshoeva’s favourite sayings is: “You receive money for paid jobs, but blessings for volunteering.” She lives by those words—and feels incredibly blessed.

Since March 2023, Mavjuda has selflessly volunteered over 280 hours of her time to support Immigrant Services Calgary (ISC).

She works closely with ISC’s Client Care team, helping clients check in for their appointment and providing interpretation support for those facing language barriers.

A native speaker of Farsi, Russian, and Turkish, Mavjuda helps clients understand settlement services and rebuild their lives in Canada.

“I too, have navigated the path of immigration and would like to share my experiences to offer assistance [to others],” she says.

She says there’s an added bonus to helping others while volunteering at ISC—gaining valuable insights about the Canadian workplace. It also reminds her of her time in diplomacy, and with the United Nations.

Abdallah Abushammala, Client Care Manager at ISC, is grateful that Mavjuda chose to volunteer with ISC.

“As a volunteer, Mavjuda helped many newcomer families access the services they need to build their life in Canada,” he says.

“We value the time and commitment she has dedicated to supporting our clients and our team. Thank you, Mavjuda!”